MoU on Research Program
Mar 23, 2021

Yala Rajabhat University, in collaboration with 12 SMP-YRU Network Schools, signed an MOU to develop a research program on the development of learning management through a professional learning society.

Com Arts students awards the viral clip contest
Nov 30, 2020

The students from Communication Arts, Faculty of Management Science, were awarded the viral clip contest "Save River to restore clear water to the rivers and canals" as part of the campaign to raise awareness for people to cooperate without littering into...

Volunteer activity
Oct 29, 2020

YRU joins together with 27 southern border agencies sign MOU for educational development in southern border provinces
Oct 29, 2020

YRU joins together with 27 southern border agencies sign MOU for educational development in southern border provinces.

YRU produces cloth face masks
Mar 31, 2020

Yala Rajabhat University urged to produce 1,500 cloth masks for religious organizations and the elderly and received fabric from the Municipality of Yala to produce more 7,000 cloth face masks.