FMS YRU announces the 1st BACA

Jul 21, 2023

On July 20th, 2023, the Faculty of Management Sciences Yala Rajabhat University organized the stage of the 1st International Academic Conference on Business Administration and Communication Arts. The conference, held under the theme of 'Business Administration and Communication Arts for Sustainable Local Development,' took place online. The purposes were to exchange knowledge, which would lead to the generation of international academic cooperation, the development, and extension of research works, the creation of experiences for researchers, improvement of academic contributions to the community, including stimulating powerful and sustainable academic development, and authentically responding to society's needs. The conference was honored by Dr. Wiparat De-ong, an Executive Director of the National Research Council of Thailand, Assistant Professor Dr. Sirichai Namburi, Acting Chancellor of Yala Rajabhat University, and the Dean of the Faculty of Management Sciences, along with managerial staff, academic personnel, supporting personnel, researchers, and students as participants. Furthermore, the conference was honored by Prof. Dr. MD Sidin Bin Ahmad Ishak, Vice President & Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Selangor Malaysia, as an honorable lecturer who gave a lecture titled 'Business Administration and Communication Arts for Sustainable Local Development' at Bing Lan Qing Conference Room, the 3rd Floor the Faculty of Management Sciences' Building, Yala Rajabhat University.

Associate Professor Dr. Nantharat Namburi, Dean of the Faculty of Management Sciences, Yala Rajabhat University said that the stage of the international academic conference was organized through cooperation from various organizations, both domestic and foreign. These organizations include the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), Southern Border Provinces Administrative Centre (SBPAC), Faculty of Management Sciences, Southern Regional Rajabhat Universities, MERITUS University Malaysia, Universiti Selangor Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, and Malaysia Consumer and Family Economy Association (MACFEA). The articles proposed by the researchers and students consisted of articles from Thailand (20 articles), Malaysia (8 articles), Indonesia (2 articles), and the United States of America (1 article). They were divided into various fields as follows: Business Administration (21 articles), Economics, Accounting, and Finance (6 articles), and Communication Arts (4 articles), a total of 31 articles. Moreover, the conference was honored by Prof. Dr. MD Sidin Bin Ahmad Ishak, Vice President & Deputy-Vice Chancellor University Selangor Malaysia, as a lecturer to give a special lecture titled 'Business Administration and Communication Arts for Sustainable Local Development.'

Image/News: Yala Rajabhat University


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