Yala Rajabhat University and Universitas Gadyah Mada Forge Academic Alliance for ASEAN Advancement

Apr 24, 2024

On April 23, 2024, a delegation from Yala Rajabhat University, led by Assistant Professor Dr. Sirichai Namburi, Acting President, was warmly welcomed at Universitas Gadyah Mada (UGM) in Indonesia. Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, S.S., M.Hum., DEA, Vice Rector for Education and Learning at UGM, along with representatives from various faculties and the International Relations Department, extended a warm welcome to the visiting delegation.

The primary objective of this visit was to establish a network of collaborative academic cooperation between the two universities. The aim is to harness and enhance the potential of students and teachers from both institutions while reinforcing the stature of universities within the ASEAN region. Discussions during the exchange session paved the way for future cooperation activities, including participation in online and offline classes, collaborative research endeavors, joint academic publications, and scholarship opportunities.

This visit marks a significant step towards fostering stronger academic ties and promoting mutual growth and development within the ASEAN higher education landscape.


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