MoU signing ceremony between YRU and educational institutions in 3 southern border provinces

Sep 28, 2019

On September 25, 2019 at the University Council meeting room, 2nd floor, 50th Anniversary Mahavajiralongkorn building, Yala Rajabhat University, there was a ceremony to sign the memorandum of agreement on academic cooperation on educational development and development of teachers and educational personnel between Yala Rajabhat University and 16 educational institutions in 3 southern border provinces. Assistant Professor Dr. Sombat Yothathip, President of Yala Rajabhat University and 16 educational institutions in the 3 southern border provinces signed the memorandum of agreement to demonstrate the common intention of achieving education excellence. The development of teachers and educational personnel, with the Assistant Professor Dr. Kessri Laddia, Vice President for Local Research and Development and Mr. Soleah Kepan, the director of Institute of Professional Teachers in Southernmost Provinces, Thailand (PTS) witness this time.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Kesri Laddia, Vice President for Local Research and Development, Yala Rajabhat University, said that Yala Rajabhat University carried out various projects together with schools in the southern border areas By PTS in terms of the development of teachers in 3 southern border provinces. It also collaborates and promotes the potential development of teachers, administrators and educational personnel about management, learning management, curriculum development, educational information, system development and educational networks as well as promote academic development and research for teachers, administrators and educational personnel .


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